Kemiex and Atradius

Atradius and Kemiex join forces to introduce the first online trading platform for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) & Additives.








































Atradius and Kemiex join forces to introduce the first online trading platform for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) & Additives

As one of the world’s leading credit insurers, Atradius has always been a frontrunner in harnessing smart and innovative technology in order to service our customers in the most efficient way.

Atradius’ cooperation with Kemiex marks an important milestone in leveraging the latest technology to provide innovative solutions for customers.

The Kemiex platform is the first online trading platform for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) & Additives.  It provides a convenient, efficient and safe trading solution for companies in the pharmaceutical, veterinary, human and animal nutrition industries. It helps traders, buyers and sellers of APIs and Additives to identify reliable and compliant counterparties and conduct safe trade in a global and highly fragmented market.

Kemiex is leveraging current trends of digitalisation, platformisation, connectivity, big data and social features to deliver a new experience for users. 


Secure trade

The Swiss-based company Kemiex has developed a state-of-the-art online trading platform in partnership with Atradius.  Atradius participates by providing credit risk insight and insuring trade between sellers and buyers, initially starting in 8 European markets. For the first time, trade credit insurance for single transactions is made available by Atradius through one-click on the Kemiex platform.

The platform has been designed as an alternative to the current trading processes that can often be time consuming, opaque and limited to personal networks.  It also addresses industry-specific considerations around the necessity for strict compliance with quality control measures.

Users of the platform are connected to a global network of qualified counterparties that enables them to reduce transaction lead times, achieve more competitive prices and stay in full control of the trading process.

Reliability first

The biggest advantage of the Kemiex platform is to gain access to a global network of reliable counterparties that are creditworthy and compliant with regulations and quality controls. Kemiex assesses the compliance of each company on the platform with quality standards and strict industry regulations, while Atradius assesses the creditworthiness. Together, Kemiex and Atradius continuously monitor and rate the companies, their transactions and their overall behaviour, to ensure that all parties on the platform have access to up-to-date and reliable information and that any trade taking place through the platform is safe.

The platform is open for registration and trading will be officially launched later this year with all services integrated.



Established in 2017, Kemiex launched the first B2B trading solution for APIs and Additives for the pharma, veterinary, food and feed industries. It is an exclusive commodity exchange for traders, buyers and sellers that meet predefined quality assurance and financial due diligence criteria.

Kemiex is a team of highly motivated international professionals with the mission to improve the trading of APIs & Additives. The team is supported by senior advisers from leading companies and entrepreneurs in different sectors such as Pharma, Insurance, IT, Consulting and Financial Services.

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