
As your strategic partner in accounts receivable management, we share our insights with you.

Make smarter business decisions!

Stay on top of your business’ cash flow by gearing up with insightful content. Find reports, guides and business insights from our experts on how to successfully manage B2B collection.

Advantages of outsourcing accounts receivable

Learn how managing your receivables with a strategic partnership can improve your financial governance and fuel your organisation's growth.

Past due stamp on invoice for customer | Atradius

B2B Debt collection letters and emails

We help you cultivate and retain positive working relationships with your customers by providing non-contentious solutions through our amicable debt collection services.

Man handing over a cheque | Atradius

Coronavirus: How to secure cash flow amid uncertainties

Three actions businesses can perform now to keep sufficient liquidity and survive the downturn.

coronavirus closeup

How to optimise collections in coronavirus times

Collections amid the pandemic calls for consideration, conscientiousness, and cooperation.

Businessman in suit with laptop | Atradius

International Debt Collections Handbook

The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.

Handbook magazine

Demand Letters

Outsourced demand letters for payment help you step up your collections effort in a cost-effective way. Demand letters signify a strong warning and your intention to pursue payment.

Man handing over a cheque | Atradius

How We Collect Outstanding Debts

The financial health of your business is our priority. Discover how we collect outstanding debts worldwide.

How AC collect outstanding debts

6 steps to assess your customer's insolvency risks

Insolvencies often occur when an important business partner folds. Learn how to assess your customers to protect your business.

 Woman at a screen | Atradius

Case Studies

The best way we can support your business is to understand your aims and challenges. Learn how we work closely with our customers and what they have to say about us.

presenting on a tablet

8 Tips for managing your accounts receivables

Solve your accounts receivables issues and get your customers paying on time!

 Card payment | Atradius

How to conduct a receivables risk assessment

As a company, it's important that you assess your receivables for risks. Learn factors you should be paying attention to with this guide.

Examining documents

Top 5 late payment excuses and how to deal with them

Recovering late payments from B2B customers can be a hefty challenge. Discover the top 5 late payment excuses and how to respond to them effectively.

 Asian office worker | Atradius

10 steps to prevent and manage late payments

Late payments have an impact on your business and your customers.

Account Management | Atradius

Get the most out of a debt collection call

It goes without saying that there is no generally valid blueprint for successful collection calls. We have some tips to help you during these calls.

Young Man with Smartphone | Atradius

Country Risk Map

The Atradius Risk Map indicates the level of risk associated with each country, based on the Atradius in-house political risk rating system, STAR

Atradius Risk map Q4 2021

Global Collections Review

The Global Collections Review examines collections behavior of companies and how they deal with overdue invoices. It also identifies factors influencing the use of external collections partner.

GCR Atradius Collections

How we can help a Shared Service Centre

Most Financial Shared Service Centres manage multiple third party collection agency relationships globally.

Globally connected

Atradius Collections expands services into Dubai

A cooperation in Dubai enabling us to offer flexible collections services to meet clients’ specific requirements.

dubai city centre

Important UK Legal Update: Is Your Company “PAP” Ready?

This October 2017, UK Courts will introduce new pre legal protocol guidelines when collecting debts from sole traders.

UK legal update (padding)

Atradius Collections strengthens its presence in India

A new office in Mumbai, India offers allowing the company to expand into new markets, strengthening our global market position.

India opening

Atradius Collections partners up with Dun & Bradstreet

A cooperation in Indonesia enabling us to offer flexible collections services to meet clients’ specific requirements.

Indonesia partners

Cheque clearance period around the world

Cheques have been in use for over 350 years, and they're still going strong.

clearance period worldwide

Digitalisation & Trade | Atradius Collections

The panel discussed some of the major trends in digitalisation including ecommerce, Everything as a Service and the potential that the Internet of Things presents for supply chain management.

Virtual Events | Atradius Collections

The focus of the series is how to navigate trade credit risks and identify business growth opportunities. In addition to debating the potential long-term impact on the world’s supply chains.

Covid's impact on global trade | Atradius Collections

The focus of the series is how to navigate trade credit risks and identify business growth opportunities. In addition to debating the potential long-term impact on the world’s supply chains.

Contacto de prensa

Martijn Brouwer
Commercial Director

1006 JD Amsterdam
David Ricardostraat 1
Postbus 8982

Tel: +31 (0)20 553 3188

Disclaimer y Buró de Entidades Financieras

Este informe se presenta, con fines de información únicamente y no está pensada como una recomendación en cuanto a las transacciones particulares, inversiones o estrategias en modo alguno a cualquier lector. Los lectores deben tomar sus propias decisiones independientes, comerciales o de cualquier otro tipo, con respecto a la información proporcionada. Aunque hemos hecho todo lo posible para garantizar que la información contenida en este informe sea obtenida de fuentes confiables, Atradius no es responsable por los errores u omisiones, o por los resultados obtenidos del uso de esta información. En ningún caso Atradius, sus corporaciones o empresas relacionadas, afiliadas y subsidiarias, ni los socios, agentes o empleados, serán responsables por cualquier decisión o medida adoptada con base en la información en este informe, o por ningún daño directo, indirecto, especial, incidental o consecuente, resultante del uso de la información de las declaraciones hechas en este documento. BURÓ DE ENTIDADES FINANCIERAS ¿Qué es el Buró de Entidades Financieras? Es una herramienta de consulta y difusión con la que podrás conocer los productos que ofrecen las entidades financieras, sus comisiones y tasas, las reclamaciones de los usuarios, las prácticas no sanas en que incurren, las sanciones administrativas que les han impuesto, las cláusulas abusivas de sus contratos y otra información que resulte relevante para informarte sobre su desempeño. Con el Buró de Entidades Financieras, se logrará saber quién es quién en bancos, seguros, sociedades financieras de objeto múltiple, cajas de ahorro, afores, entre otras entidades. Con ello, podrás comparar y evaluar a las entidades financieras, sus productos y servicios y tendrás mayores elementos para elegir lo que más te convenga. Esta información te será útil para elegir un producto financiero y también para conocer y usar mejor los que ya tienes. Este Buró de Entidades Financieras, es una herramienta que puede contribuir al crecimiento económico del país, al promover la competencia entre las instituciones financieras; que impulsará la transparencia al revelar información a los usuarios sobre el desempeño de éstas y los productos que ofrecen y que va a facilitar un manejo responsable de los productos y servicios financieros al conocer a detalle sus características. Lo anterior, podrá derivar en un mayor bienestar social, porque al conjuntar en un solo espacio tan diversa información del sistema financiero, el usuario tendrá más elementos para optimizar su presupuesto, para mejorar sus finanzas personales, para utilizar correctamente los créditos que fortalecerán su economía y obtener los seguros que la protejan, entre otros aspectos. Puedes consultar la información relativa al Buró de Entidades Financieras, tanto de Atradius Seguros de Crédito. S.A., como de todo el sector asegurador en el siguiente enlace: