Casos de estudio - Colt Technology Services: Collecting debts for the technology sector

How we help Colt Technology Services with its very ambitious growth plans

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Colt Technology Services

Sector comercial:



Europe, North America, Asia


To become the most customer-oriented company in their industry


Providing the best customer experience, being innovative and sustainable.

Como lo hacemos posible:

Amicable Debt Collections

Having one single person as a permanent contact makes for a very effective working relationship.

Stefan Craciun Stefan Craciun
Colt Technology Services

Stefan Craciun is Senior Manager Credit and Collection at Colt Technology Services, which provide world class network and communications services to information-intensive businesses across Europe, North America and Asia. They’re a company that operates in a highly competitive market. But commercial and financial growth aren’t the only things that matter to Colt Technology Services. Sustainability and charity work also figure high on the agenda.

Stefan Craciun explains: “Sustainability is very important to us. We work very hard to be an energy-efficient company and our approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) involves sharing ideas with colleagues and customers which result in activities that have a positive impact beyond our daily business activities, both internally and externally. Charity work is also in our company’s DNA. Many employees are involved in charity work – aiming to improve the lives of young people through education – mostly at a local level. We also organise charity bike rides, cycling between cities where Colt Technology Services offices are located. Last year, employees rode from Frankfurt to Zurich, raising €200,000 along the way. This year, employees will cycle from Marseille to Barcelona – and yes, I’ll be taking part. I love it!”

Big ambitions

Colt Technology Services have big ambitions for the near future. “We want to be the most customer-oriented company in our industry,” says Stefan Craciun. “We can provide the best customer experience because we have the skills and the services – and the biggest asset we have are our people. We make sure we get the best people place them in the right locations and give them the right tools so we can deliver a unique customer experience.”

Colt Technology Services also expect the best from their business partners. Three years ago, unhappy with their existing supplier, the company chose Atradius Collections to handle their debt management. One reason was because Stefan Craciun had worked closely with Atradius Collections in his previous job, at Hewlett Packard and had very good experiences with them

“But,” he adds, “they’re also well known in the market and have a very good reputation. They know how to combine their high-quality services with a very open, highly professional relationship with their clients. That makes Atradius Collections a strong, reliable supplier. They are a vital part of our day-to-day operations. When we reach the end of the line and are confronted with bad debt, they take over. Because of our worldwide growth, we’re calling on them more and more and our relationship continues to become closer. And like us, they have a worldwide network.”

One single contact



Colt Account Manager

Armand Hessels, Atradius Collections Account Manager



Another advantage for Colt Technology Services is having a single point of contact at Atradius Collections. Stefan Craciun explains: “Having one single person as a permanent contact makes for a very effective working relationship. This person knows our company very well. He links up with the local Atradius collectors, who have local expertise and know the procedures and regulations in the countries where they work.”

What does Stefan think about the way Atradius Collections reports their activities to their client? “Atradius Collections reports straightforward and totally transparent. Plus its reporting is adapted to our financial structure. Atradius Collections also know our customers well, so very often they can operate proactively – and they always act quickly.

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