Trade Association Memberships

To help support our global presence and local knowledge, we are members of a range of specialist local and international professional debt collection trade associations throughout the world.

Access a description of and link to each of the major debt collection trade associations throughout the world of which Atradius Collections is a member.

Logo AustraliaAustralia


Institute of Mercantile Agents

IMA logo

The IMA represent collectors, investigators, process servers and repossession agents throughout Australia. Members are required to adhere to he IMA's Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics, which promote professional and ethical standards.

Go to the IMA website

Logo BelgiumBelgium


The Belgian Collectors Association


The ABR-BVI (the Belgian Collectors Association) is the only professional association of their kind in Belgium. ABVR-BVI group consists of 16 members of the around 80 agencies active in Belgium. All members are leading agencies, rigourously selected on the quality of their work. They meet all key requirements in terms of structure, liquidity and solvency, and maintain a strict code of conduct.

Visit ABR-BVI Website

Logo European UnionEuropean Union


Federation of European Credit Management Associations

FECMA logo
The Federation of European Credit Management Associations were founded in 1986 by Sir Roger Cork, (also know as Lord Mayor of London from 1996-1997). FECMA is a not-for-profit organisation consisting solely of credit management associations. The FECMA vision is to promote best practices in credit management by enabling members to share knowledge and experience.

Visit the FECMA Website

Logo GermanyGermany


Bundesverband Deutscher Inkasso-Unternehmen

BDIU logo

Debt collection in Germany is an industry with a great tradition. As early as 1872 the first Information and Control Agency opened their doors. Members of BDIU offer their clients comprehensive advisory services to help ensure liquidity and increase competitiveness.

Visit the BDIU Website

Logo Hong KongHong Kong


Hong Kong Credit and Collection Management Association

Debt collection in Germany is an industry with a great tradition. As early as 1872 the first Information and Control Agency opened their doors. Members of BDIU offer their clients comprehensive advisory services to help ensure liquidity and increase competitiveness.

Visit the HKCCMA Website

Logo HungaryHungary


The Association of Hungarian CMS Companies and Business Information Providers

Logo Makisz
MAKISZ was founded in 1993 with the objective to represent the profession’s interest, to establish the legal background of the profession, and to introduce debt collection, as a method, to the business.

Go to the MAKISZ website

Logo ItalyItaly


Unione nazionale delle imprese di recupero, gestione ed informazione del credito


Logo Unirec

UNIREC (Unione Nazionale Imprese a Tutela del Credito) is the association for all credit management and debt recovery businesses in Italy. Members are required to adhere to a strict Code of Ethics. The Association strives to promote best practice for the benefit of both consumers and businesses in Italy and throughout the world.

Go to the UNIREC website

Logo SpainSpain


Asociación Nacional de Entidades de Gestión de Cobro

Angeco logo

Angeco is the National Association of collection entities in Spain created in 1994 and a full member of FENCA. Angeco works to ensure the defence of the interests of its members looking for maximum representativeness within the collection sector in Spain. The association brings together the most important collection companies in the country, and is the indisputable reference in the debt recovery sector in Spain. Being a member of Angeco guarantees maximum professionalism and quality of service, and ensures compliance to the code of ethics at European level which all members are required to follow. Read more

Go to the ANGECO website

Logo PolandPoland

Polski Zwiazek Zarządzania Wierzytelnościami

Logo Polski

Polish Debt Collection Association was formed on 12 February 2003 and aims to defend and represent the interests of the debt collection industry. The Organization is the biggest Association of debt collecting companies in Poland.

Go to the Polski Zwiazek Windykacji website

Logo United KingdomUnited Kingdom


Credit Services Association

Logo CSA

The CSA is the UK trade association for the debt collection and debt purchase industry. It represents the views of its members with industry regulators and insists members adhere to a Code of Practice.

Go to the CSA website.


Logo United StatesUnited States and International


International Association of Commercial Collectors


The IACC offers the Certified Commercial Collection Agency Program as a way for agencies to demonstrate their professionalism and dedication to provide quality collection services.

Go to the IACC website.


Commercial Collection Agency Association

CCAA logo

The CCAA is an association of collection agencies that are certified by the Commercial Law Leagues of America. The Association is focused on service and protection for the commercial credit community, and works to elevate the standards of the industry by providing educational, legislative, promotional and administrative services for its members.

Go to the CCAA website.


Association of Executives in Finance, Credit and International Business


The FBIB provides critical export credit and collections insight, practical advice and intelligence to companies of all sizes—from Fortune 500 multi-nationals to medium and small private companies in 55 countries around the world. All FCIB members are required to adhere to their Code of Conduct.

Go to the FCIB website.

Contenido relacionado

Channel Partners

We work with a select group of Channel Partners to supplement our local knowledge and expertise. They complement our global presence, helping us meet our clients’ needs wherever they are in the world.

Executive Management Team

Our Executive Management Team is responsible for developing and driving the aims, strategy, quality of service and business results of Atradius Collections throughout the world.

What our customers say

See the results of our latest Customer Satisfaction Survey and key customer testimonials on how we build strong working relationships with an understanding of individual need and market knowledge.

Disclaimer y Buró de Entidades Financieras

Este informe se presenta, con fines de información únicamente y no está pensada como una recomendación en cuanto a las transacciones particulares, inversiones o estrategias en modo alguno a cualquier lector. Los lectores deben tomar sus propias decisiones independientes, comerciales o de cualquier otro tipo, con respecto a la información proporcionada. Aunque hemos hecho todo lo posible para garantizar que la información contenida en este informe sea obtenida de fuentes confiables, Atradius no es responsable por los errores u omisiones, o por los resultados obtenidos del uso de esta información. En ningún caso Atradius, sus corporaciones o empresas relacionadas, afiliadas y subsidiarias, ni los socios, agentes o empleados, serán responsables por cualquier decisión o medida adoptada con base en la información en este informe, o por ningún daño directo, indirecto, especial, incidental o consecuente, resultante del uso de la información de las declaraciones hechas en este documento. BURÓ DE ENTIDADES FINANCIERAS ¿Qué es el Buró de Entidades Financieras? Es una herramienta de consulta y difusión con la que podrás conocer los productos que ofrecen las entidades financieras, sus comisiones y tasas, las reclamaciones de los usuarios, las prácticas no sanas en que incurren, las sanciones administrativas que les han impuesto, las cláusulas abusivas de sus contratos y otra información que resulte relevante para informarte sobre su desempeño. Con el Buró de Entidades Financieras, se logrará saber quién es quién en bancos, seguros, sociedades financieras de objeto múltiple, cajas de ahorro, afores, entre otras entidades. Con ello, podrás comparar y evaluar a las entidades financieras, sus productos y servicios y tendrás mayores elementos para elegir lo que más te convenga. Esta información te será útil para elegir un producto financiero y también para conocer y usar mejor los que ya tienes. Este Buró de Entidades Financieras, es una herramienta que puede contribuir al crecimiento económico del país, al promover la competencia entre las instituciones financieras; que impulsará la transparencia al revelar información a los usuarios sobre el desempeño de éstas y los productos que ofrecen y que va a facilitar un manejo responsable de los productos y servicios financieros al conocer a detalle sus características. Lo anterior, podrá derivar en un mayor bienestar social, porque al conjuntar en un solo espacio tan diversa información del sistema financiero, el usuario tendrá más elementos para optimizar su presupuesto, para mejorar sus finanzas personales, para utilizar correctamente los créditos que fortalecerán su economía y obtener los seguros que la protejan, entre otros aspectos. Puedes consultar la información relativa al Buró de Entidades Financieras, tanto de Atradius Seguros de Crédito. S.A., como de todo el sector asegurador en el siguiente enlace: