
NAFTA Country Report - USA

Reporte por país

  • USA
  • Agricultura,
  • Automoción/Transporte,

16 nov 2015


Robust growth rates persist, but lower exports hurt the manufacturing sector.

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    Market Monitor- Focus on automotive performance - Japan

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Japan
    • Automoción/Transporte

    01 oct 2015

    Japanese automotive businesses´profit margins have generally improved, mainly due to higher sales in North America.

    Market Monitor-Focus on automotive performance-Slovakia

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Slovakia
    • Automoción/Transporte

    01 oct 2015

    In Slovakia, payment behaviour is generally good with a low number of non-payment notificiations, and this is expected to remain unchanged in the coming months.

    Market Monitor- Focus on automotive performance -Sweden

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Sweden
    • Automoción/Transporte

    01 oct 2015

    Payment behaviour in the Swedish automotive sector is quite stable, and insolvencies are not expected to increase in the coming months.

    Market Monitor-Focus on automotive performance-Thailand

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Thailand
    • Automoción/Transporte

    01 oct 2015

    Thailand´s automotive sectors is characterised by high entry barriers as the players in the market are large multinationals with strong financials and good know-how.

    Market Monitor - Focus on automotive performance - USA

    Monitor de Mercado

    • USA
    • Automoción/Transporte

    01 oct 2015

    Payment behaviour in the US automotive sector has been rather good over the past two years.

    Payment Practices Barometer Brazil 2015

    Barómetro de Prácticas de Pago

    • Brasil
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    23 sep 2015

    Economic growth in the resource-rich Brazil continues to remain under pressure due to a combination of a credit crunch, rising interest rates and weakening demand.

    Payment Practices Barometer Americas 2015

    Barómetro de Prácticas de Pago

    • Brasil,
    • Canada,
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    23 sep 2015

    One in three businesses surveyed in Brazil, Canada, Mexico and the United States reported that around one-fifth of the value of their B2B receivables is more than 90 days overdue.

    CEE Country Report - Turkey

    Reporte por país

    • Turkey
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    21 sep 2015

    Inflation is expected to remain high in 2015, at around 7%, while the current account deficit is expected to remain at the same level as in 2014 (5.7% of GDP).

    CEE Country Report - Slovakia

    Reporte por país

    • Slovakia
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    21 sep 2015

    Growth is expected to accelerate further in 2015 and 2016, by 2.8% and 3.5% respectively, driven by continued robust domestic demand and increasing exports to the Eurozone.

    CEE Country Report - Poland

    Reporte por país

    • Poland
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    21 sep 2015

    The Polish economy is expected to benefit from low energy prices and the rebound in the Eurozone, with GDP expected to grow 3.5% in 2015, based on robust domestic demand and increasing exports.

    CEE Country Report - Hungary

    Reporte por país

    • Hungria
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    21 sep 2015

    Economic growth is expected to continue in 2015 and 2016, although at a slower pace: by 3.0% and 2.4% respectively.

    CEE Country Report - Czech Republic

    Reporte por país

    • Republica Checa
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    21 sep 2015

    Due to robust domestic demand and benign economic conditions in the Eurozone, Czech GDP is expected to grow 3.0% in 2015 and 3.1% in 2016.

    China stock market crash limited impact on real economy

    Investigación económica

    • China
    • Económico general

    16 sep 2015

    The impact of the Chinese stock market crunch of this summer and the renminbi devaluation should not be overestimated. The main long-term risk is an accelerating economic slowdown.

    Market Monitor - Focus on steel and metals - USA

    Monitor de Mercado

    • USA
    • Metales,
    • Acero

    10 sep 2015

    The tubular goods segment is hit hard by the end of the oil boom, with insolvencies expected to increase.

    Market Monitor - Focus on steel and metals - Turkey

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Turkey
    • Metales,
    • Acero

    10 sep 2015

    Decreasing profitability due to foreign exchange losses and rising insolvencies.

    Market Monitor - Focus on steel and metals - Mexico

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Mexico
    • Metales,
    • Acero

    10 sep 2015

    Higher domestic steel consumption, but exchange rate volatility is expected to cause more payment delays.

    Market Monitor - Focus on steel and metals - UK

    Monitor de Mercado

    • United Kingdom
    • Metales,
    • Acero

    10 sep 2015

    Lower construction growth and overcapacity affect the sector, but the outlook for 2016 has improved.

    Market Monitor - Focus on steel and metals - Poland

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Poland
    • Metales,
    • Acero

    10 sep 2015

    A rebound driven by construction recovery, but increased foreign competition affects businesses´ margins.

    Market Monitor - Focus on steel and metals - Italy

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Italy
    • Metales,
    • Acero

    10 sep 2015

    The outlook for the industry remains subdued, with many Smaller steel mills struggling with poor operating margins.

    Market Monitor - Focus on steel and metals - India

    Monitor de Mercado

    • India
    • Metales,
    • Acero

    10 sep 2015

    Land acquisition issues in setting up greenfield projects, delays in environmental clearances, logistics support and external financing remain major issues

    Market Monitor - Focus on steel and metals - Germany

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Alemania
    • Metales,
    • Acero

    10 sep 2015

    German steel producers and distributors are facing structural challenges, as lower steel prices and competition from Asia hit margins.

    Market Monitor - Focus on steel & metals - Netherlands

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Netherlands
    • Metales,
    • Acero

    10 sep 2015

    Insolvencies have decreased in 2014 and are expected to level off in 2015. The insolvency level in this segment is quite low.

    Market Monitor - Focus on steel and metals - Canada

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Canada
    • Metales,
    • Acero

    10 sep 2015

    Competition in the sector is high, and there are clear signs of price wars as the industry is struggling with overcapacity and weaker demand.

    Market Monitor - Focus on steel and metals - Belgium

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Belgica
    • Metales,
    • Acero

    10 sep 2015

    Structural overcapacity in the industry had a negative effect on businesses´ profit margins in 2014, and this negative trend is expected to continue in 2015.

    Economic Research - The Brexit question

    Investigación económica

    • United Kingdom
    • Económico general

    02 sep 2015

    Atradius identifies the most likely outcome of the UK’s in-out referendum set for 2017 and the sectors and countries most vulnerable to Brexit.

    Country Report Australia

    Reporte por país

    • Australia
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    03 ago 2015

    In 2015, Australian business insolvencies are expected to increase slightly by 2% as economic growth slows down and the mining industry faces mounting troubles.

    Insolvency Forecasts August 2015

    Investigación económica

    • Australia,
    • Austria,
    • Económico general

    01 ago 2015

    The insolvency outlook for 2015 has weakened and difficulties are expected to continue into 2016.

    Market Monitor - Focus on machinery - Japan

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Japan
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 jul 2015

    The sector benefits from higher machinery investments as the Japanese economic recovery is on track (GDP is expected to grow 1.0% in 2015 and 1.5% in 2016 after a modest contraction in 2014).

    Market Monitor - Focus on machinery - Germany

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Alemania
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 jul 2015

    In 2015 production is expected to increase at around 2%, the same level as in 2014.

    Market Monitor - Focus on machinery - Brazil

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Brasil
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 jul 2015

    The machinery sector in Brazil is being severely impacted by an economic downturn (Brazilian GDP is expected to contract 1.5% in 2015).

    Market Monitor - Focus on machinery - Czech Republic

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Republica Checa
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 jul 2015

    Payments in the Czech machinery sector take around 40 days, with ‘days sales outstanding’ (DSO) for smaller businesses of about 50 days.

    Market Monitor - Focus on machinery - USA

    Monitor de Mercado

    • USA
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 jul 2015

    Compared to other US industries the rate of insolvencies is low in the machinery sector, and it is expected that business failures will level off or even decrease slightly (by about 1%) in H2 of 2015.

    Market Monitor - Focus on machinery - Italy

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Italy
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 jul 2015

    The outlook for the machinery industry is promising, as the Italian economy is expected to grow 0.6% in 2015 and 0.9% in 2016 after two years of contraction.

    Market Monitor - Focus on machinery - France

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Francia
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 jul 2015

    The machinery sector should benefit from the economic rebound in France, with GDP forecast to grow 1.1% in 2015 (after 0.2% in 2014) and stronger growth in industrial production and exports.

    Market Monitor - Focus on machinery - China

    Monitor de Mercado

    • China
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 jul 2015

    China’s machinery sector has seen high overcapacity: profits of machinery businesses will be squeezed further by fierce competition, as companies have to offer lower prices to keep market shares.

    Market Monitor - Focus on machinery - Sweden

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Sweden
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 jul 2015

    The Swedish machinery sector has seen many positive developments over the past few years and currently benefits from higher global demand.

    Market Monitor - Focus on machinery - Hungary

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Hungria
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 jul 2015

    Hungary has become a key production base for automotive majors such as Audi, Daimler (Mercedes-Benz), Suzuki and General Motors.

    MENA Country Report - Jordan

    Reporte por país

    • United Arab Emirates
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    02 jul 2015

    Jordan’s economic growth is expected to accelerate from 3.1% in 2014 to 4.3% in 2015.

    MENA Country Report - Egypt

    Reporte por país

    • Egipto
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    02 jul 2015

    In 2015 and 2016 Egypt’s economy is expected to grow by more than 4%, as improved stability in the country will boost domestic demand.

    MENA Country Report - UAE

    Reporte por país

    • United Arab Emirates
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    02 jul 2015

    Despite the UAE’s overall diversification, the lower oil price is expected to take its toll on economic growth.

    MENA Country Report - Tunisia

    Reporte por país

    • Tunisia
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    02 jul 2015

    Tunisia’s economy is expected to grow moderately in 2015 and 2016, supported by increased demand from the eurozone.

    MENA Country Report - Saudi Arabia

    Reporte por país

    • Saudi Arabia
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    02 jul 2015

    Saudi Arabia’s GDP growth is expected to slow down to 3.0% in 2015 following a growth of 3.6% in 2014.

    MENA Country Report - Morocco

    Reporte por país

    • Marruecos
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    02 jul 2015

    An expected rebound in agriculture will lead to higher GDP growth in 2015, forecast to increase 4.6%. Growth is also sustained by increasing exports, mainly to the eurozone.

    MENA Country Report - Kuwait

    Reporte por país

    • Kuwait
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    02 jul 2015

    In 2015, Kuwait's economic growth is expected to decrease to 1.7% due to the lower oil price and decreased oil production.

    Russia update: economic and industry outlook

    Industry Match-up Reports

    • Russia
    • Económico general

    01 jul 2015

    Concerns in 2014 over an impending crisis in Russia were overblown. But insolvencies have increased and specific industries are affected badly by the ongoing recession.

    Country Report Japan 2015

    Reporte por país

    • Japan
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    30 jun 2015

    Despite its growing economy, Japan faces major demographic challenges. There is an urgent need to make the labour market more flexible to achieve a sustainable rebound and boost economic performance.

    Country Report Italy

    Reporte por país

    • Italy
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    01 jun 2015

    After three years of contraction, Italy’s economy is expected to grow by 0.6% in 2015.

    Country Report United Kingdom

    Reporte por país

    • United Kingdom
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    01 jun 2015

    The UK economy expanded by 2.6% in 2014, the fastest pace of growth since 2007. While consumer spending was the main driver, real fixed investments also increased.

    Country Report Switzerland

    Reporte por país

    • Switzerland
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    01 jun 2015

    While exports, industrial production and investments are expected to decrease year-on-year in 2015, private consumption is expected to rise 1.1% in 2015.

    Country Report Sweden

    Reporte por país

    • Sweden
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    01 jun 2015

    The Swedish economy is set to grow by 2.4 % in 2015, with industrial production rebounding after three years of decline. Household consumption and investment growth are expected to continue.

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    Este informe se presenta, con fines de información únicamente y no está pensada como una recomendación en cuanto a las transacciones particulares, inversiones o estrategias en modo alguno a cualquier lector. Los lectores deben tomar sus propias decisiones independientes, comerciales o de cualquier otro tipo, con respecto a la información proporcionada. Aunque hemos hecho todo lo posible para garantizar que la información contenida en este informe sea obtenida de fuentes confiables, Atradius no es responsable por los errores u omisiones, o por los resultados obtenidos del uso de esta información. En ningún caso Atradius, sus corporaciones o empresas relacionadas, afiliadas y subsidiarias, ni los socios, agentes o empleados, serán responsables por cualquier decisión o medida adoptada con base en la información en este informe, o por ningún daño directo, indirecto, especial, incidental o consecuente, resultante del uso de la información de las declaraciones hechas en este documento. BURÓ DE ENTIDADES FINANCIERAS ¿Qué es el Buró de Entidades Financieras? Es una herramienta de consulta y difusión con la que podrás conocer los productos que ofrecen las entidades financieras, sus comisiones y tasas, las reclamaciones de los usuarios, las prácticas no sanas en que incurren, las sanciones administrativas que les han impuesto, las cláusulas abusivas de sus contratos y otra información que resulte relevante para informarte sobre su desempeño. Con el Buró de Entidades Financieras, se logrará saber quién es quién en bancos, seguros, sociedades financieras de objeto múltiple, cajas de ahorro, afores, entre otras entidades. Con ello, podrás comparar y evaluar a las entidades financieras, sus productos y servicios y tendrás mayores elementos para elegir lo que más te convenga. Esta información te será útil para elegir un producto financiero y también para conocer y usar mejor los que ya tienes. Este Buró de Entidades Financieras, es una herramienta que puede contribuir al crecimiento económico del país, al promover la competencia entre las instituciones financieras; que impulsará la transparencia al revelar información a los usuarios sobre el desempeño de éstas y los productos que ofrecen y que va a facilitar un manejo responsable de los productos y servicios financieros al conocer a detalle sus características. Lo anterior, podrá derivar en un mayor bienestar social, porque al conjuntar en un solo espacio tan diversa información del sistema financiero, el usuario tendrá más elementos para optimizar su presupuesto, para mejorar sus finanzas personales, para utilizar correctamente los créditos que fortalecerán su economía y obtener los seguros que la protejan, entre otros aspectos. Puedes consultar la información relativa al Buró de Entidades Financieras, tanto de Atradius Seguros de Crédito. S.A., como de todo el sector asegurador en el siguiente enlace: